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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3185 1st February 1995 (RJ)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Hardware Advisory
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FT//ex UPS & APC PowerChute PLUS Software

1. Install the UPS on the UNIX system:

a. Plug the computer (and monitor if not powered by the computer) into the UPS.

b. Plug the UPS into a wall outlet.

2. Boot the UNIX system. Log in as the root user:

a. Turn on the UPS.

b. Boot-up the computer and UNIX system.

c. Log into the UNIX system as the super-user: root.

3. If upgrading, remove older versions of PowerChute PLUS:

If this is your first time installing PowerChute PLUS onto your system, proceed to the next step. However, if you are upgrading PowerChute PLUS, you must first remove the existing installation of PowerChute PLUS. Refer to your PowerChute PLUS for UNIX handbook for instructions.

4. Determine the type of UPS installed:

The UPS supplied by Apricot is the Smart-UPS 900 this is an Advanced Signalling model.

 5. Select and configure the serial port to which the UPS will be connected:

a. Use the on-board serial port /dev/tty1a to communicate with the UPS.

b. Check to make sure that the device is present on your system.

c. Configure the port so that it is disabled for logins (including the modem device /dev/tty1A):

disable /dev/tty1a

disable /dev/tty1A

6. Select the appropriate cable and install:

The cables enclosed are custom UPS cables which have been designed to optimise the signals of the UPS. Use of the appropriate cable for your UPS is required for proper operation. The UPS cable is designed to connect directly to the UPS; no adapters should be used in between the cable and the connector on the UPS.

a. Use the Black cable (940-0024B)

b. Connect the signalling cable between the UPS interface connector on the rear of the UPS and the serial port on the back of your computer.

7. Determine the PowerChute PLUS "Core" parameters:

The following "core" parameters must be specified during the installation:

Msgdelay: The Message Delay Time is the time, in seconds, from initial power failure to when the first message is sent to the users. A small value gives users more advanced warning of impending shutdown. The default is 5 seconds.

Msgtime: The Message Interval Time is the time interval, in seconds between warning messages during power failure. Increasing this number gives users less frequent logoff reminders, whereas decreasing it gives users more frequent logoff reminders. The default value is 30 seconds.

Downtime: The Downtime is the time, in seconds, from initial power failure until the shutdown routine is initiated. If a low battery condition is encountered before the Downtime expires, shutdown is immediate. The default is 300 seconds (or 5 minutes). Enter a zero (0) to disable the Downtime parameter. If Downtime is disabled, PowerChute will only shutdown upon receiving a low battery signal.

8. Load, configure and start the PowerChute PLUS software:

c. Select the PowerChute PLUS disk labelled "SCO UNIX/XENIX" for your installation and insert the disk into the installation drive.

d. PowerChute PLUS is designed to be installed through the SCO custom utility:


- select install

- then select A new product

- then select Entire Product

You will be asked to insert ‘APC PowerChute Volume 1’. Since the required disk is already in the drive, press <Enter>

e. The custom routine copies the PowerChute PLUS files to your hard drive and then brings up the PowerChute PLUS Configuration Menu.

Note: Before the Configuration menu appears you will be asked to specify if you have a colour or monochrome screen. On SCO ODT, specify that you have a monochrome screen even if you are using a colour display.

Fill in the appropriate values for the PowerChute PLUS parameters. When you are satisfied with the parameter values, press F5 to save your parameters to the PowerChute PLUS initialisation file. You will receive the following message:

PowerChute PLUS parameters have been successfully updated.
Reboot your system to activate PowerChute PLUS.
Press return to continue

Press <Enter> and you will be returned to the main custom screen. APC PowerChute Software will be listed as one of the products currently installed. At this point you can exit custom.

f. Remove the PowerChute PLUS diskette from the floppy drive.

g. To start the PowerChute PLUS UPS daemon, shut the system down and reboot:


Once the system is down, reboot the system. Each time your system boots, PowerChute PLUS will load automatically.

9. Client Module

The Client Module is a graphical user interface which:

· Allows users to view a real time power statistics, showing utility line variations and graphically represents:

- current Utility voltage (in Volts)

- current UPS load (as % of Max. Load)

- current Battery Capacity (as % of Max. Capacity)

· Allows the root user to configure the Server Module on the fly, (i.e. the UPS daemon does not have to be restarted for changes to take effect)

· Allows the root user to perform remote interactive UPS tests

a. To start the Client Module, use the following command from the PowerChute PLUS directory:

cd /usr/lib/powerchute


If using a monochrome monitor use the "-m" switch. This allows the user interface screen to be displayed on monochrome monitors. This switch may also be required if you encounter difficulties displaying the PowerChute interface in colour mode and while running under some Motif environments:

cd /usr/lib/powerchute

./powerchute -m

b. The function keys listed on the bottom of the Client Module Display provide the following functions:

<Esc> Exits the present menu and brings you to the previous menu

<H>elp Brings up information on the highlighted menu item

<M>enu Brings up the Client Module Main Menu

<Q>uit Exits the user from the Client Module Display

<^L> Refreshes the Client Module Display

10. Additional Notes

a. The Smart-UPS 900 is an "in-line" type UPS

b. The PowerChute PLUS daemon writes to a log file:


And optionally a data file:


Although a maximum size is specified for these files during the installation, the size (and contents of the log file) should be monitor as part of your regular system maintenance procedure.

c. The UPS support within the Apricot Server Environment package for FT//e and FT//s systems is NOT compatible with the Smart-UPS 900.




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