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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3208 12th January 1996 (JE)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Hardware Mandatory
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SCO Unix on FT//ex 1000 with IBM DPES-31080 1Gb “Pegasus” drive

This IPB supersedes IPB 3190, which has been withdrawn.

When installing SCO Unix 3.2v4.2 or SCO Open Server 3.0 on the FT//ex 1000 (EISA/PCI M5 motherboard) a BTLD (Boot Time Loadable Driver) containing the alad driver is required for the on-board Adaptec AIC-7870 SCSI controller. The system is supplied with a driver in the box from Adaptec, or the SCO Advanced Hardware Supplement (EFS 140) can be used as described in IPB 3175.

If a release earlier than 1.2 of the Adaptec supplied driver or EFS 140 is used to install Unix with this Pegasus drive the most likely problem is that the system will panic with an srmountfun error upon reboot after installation. With this error it is worth noting that the Unix installation itself is successful.

To overcome this problem an updated alad BTLD disk is required. The Adaptec 1.2 release is located in area39 of Apricot Insight BBS and on Insight release 10 as the file AIC8_12.Z.. The file is a Unix compressed image that is copied to a formatted floppy in the normal way using Unix commands such as:

#uncompress filename.Z
#dd if=filename of=/dev/rfd0135ds18 bs=18k

Use this floppy in place of the above two possible floppies.

If the installation has already been attempted using the incorrect alad BTLD, re-install by booting from the SCO N1 floppy and enter following at the boot prompt:

link restart

The restart tells the installation to ignore any partial installation contained on the hard disc.

When prompted for the package to be linked, respond with:




Computing for a Connected World