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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3218 22nd July 1996 (JB)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Hardware Advisory
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DPT based Shogun hangs with SCSI tape

A problem has been seen, where a Shogun installed with OpenServer 5 hangs intermittently during tape operations. This only appears to happen where the tape unit is attached to the DPT SCSI controller. In extreme cases, the DPT array information can be compromised, with the result that configured arrays need to be re-optimised.

In each case, it appears that the hang is confined to the actual SCSI bus. A solution to this problem is to connect the tape drive on to one of the onboard Adaptec channels using a separate ribbon cable and connector. The part numbers for these are as follows.

Long ribbon cable Pt. No.15552431 (1 required)
Wide SCSI to 8-bit SCSI adapter Pt. No.15552530 (1 required)

Normal SCSI termination rules should be borne in mind when altering bus configurations in this way. If all the devices in the Peripheral Drive Bay are to be connected to the onboard Adaptec channel using this method, then the primary hard disk bay in the Shogun (Bay B) must have its termination jumper (J2) set to terminate the existing wide SCSI bus correctly. See the Owners handbook for details on how to do this.



Computing for a Connected World