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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3217 19th July 1996 (JE)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Software Advisory
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SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2 on SCSI based VS660

We have seen an instance in the field, where a SCSI based VS660 (2940 controller) with IBM 2Gb drive model DORS-32160 installed with SCO UNIX 3.2v4.2, failed to boot after installation with the usual srmountfun/no rootdisk controller problems, as referred to in IPB's 3190, 3193 and 3209.

Apricot's R&D department have tested Unix 3.2v4.2 and confirmed that the Adaptec version 1.2 driver, as referred to in IPB 3208, allows installation and booting correctly. However, use of this driver did not apparently cure the problem at a site in the field.

Should the Adaptec 1.2 driver fail on systems please inform Unix Support with the model, firmware version and serial number of the drive, so that more investigation may be carried out. We can confirm however that the alad BTLD driver bundled onto the new Support Level Supplement UOD429A does work correctly. Refer to IPB 3216 for more details on this supplement.

Please note that systems have been shipped with an early incorrect version driver floppy in the box. This should not be used as it will fail with the error. This incorrect floppy has an Apricot label and is marked as "Adaptec Drivers Disk SCO Unix/UnixWare Rel 1.02" with an Apricot part number of 15448831.

The Adaptec 1.2 version floppy confirmed by R&D to work is marked with an Apricot label as part number 15497931. However, if there is any doubt about the driver floppy in the box, the Adaptec 1.2 driver is available from the Insight CD-ROM, Insight BBS in area39,, and as the file aic8_12.z and UOD429A is available from the same locations under the filename uod429a.z.



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