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Single User I.P.B. 1049 2nd December 1993 (KAH)
Department Category Implementation
DOS Apps Software On Failure
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MS-DOS 6.0 to MS-DOS 6.2 Upgrade

Microsoft's STEPUP software, used to upgrade DOS 6.0 to 6.2, is now available from a number of sources including Microsoft and Compuserve.

If DOS 6 was pre-installed on an Apricot system, however, the first part of the upgrade process, MAKESYS.EXE, will fail with the message:

Fatal error: MakeSys could not create the new IO.SYS file because it could not find the original MS-DOS 6 version of IO.SYS.

For more information, see the README.NOW file in the directory that contains your MS-DOS 6.2 Step-Up files.

This occurs because MAKESYS.EXE checks for a different version IO.SYS than was installed from the factory's MS-DOS 6.00 OEM CD-ROM.

If you have set of MS-DOS 6.0 installation disks, then boot from disk 1 and update the system files to the hard disk as follows:


MAKESYS.EXE should now upgrade the system tracks correctly.

If you do not have a set of DOS 6.0 disks, you should download the file DOS6SYS.EXE from area 4 of Apricot Insight BBS. This is a self-unpacking file which contains DOS60SYS.IMG, IMAGE.EXE and README.TXT, which may be used to create a DOS 6.0 boot disk on a formatted floppy as follows:


Next, boot from this disk and update the hard disk's system files as detailed above.



Computing for a Connected World