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Hardware I.P.B. 4024 26th March 1990 (JS)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware On Failure
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Qi 300 Rev E and Floppy Problems

Systems intermittently fail to read floppies from power on. The symptom can be removed by powering the system off and on. This is caused because the RESET4 to the 82C607 does not rise in sufficient time to ensure that the PLL of the 82C607 starts correctly.

It can be cured by fitting a 2k2 resistor between the RESET4 and Vcc and the complete modification involves fitting a 2k2 1/4W resistor (P/N 11147521) between IC132 pin 26 and IC121 pin 14. The diagram below shows the positions of each of the components on the Qi 300 Rev E motherboard.



Computing for a Connected World