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Hardware I.P.B. 4025 2nd April 1990 (JS)
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Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Air Filter on VX FT range

An air filter is fitted behind a vent at the bottom of the front bezel. All air entering the systems unit passes through this filter , thus ensuring that only clean air is drawn into the unit.

The filter should be cleaned or replaced periodically. The filter may be washed up to ten times in water or water containing a mild detergent.

To remove and replace the filter:

  1. Press upwards on the two catches at the bottom of the air vent as shown and hinge the vent cover upwards towards you.

  1. Lift the air vent cover clear of its hinges and set it aside.
  2. Remove the air filter.
  3. Replace with a clean filter, then reattach the cover to the systems unit.

New filters are available from Network Si Group by quoting the part number PN14245632

Note: if you have washed the filter do not replace it until it is completely dry



Computing for a Connected World