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Hardware I.P.B. 4117 20th May 1993 (CW)
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Fusing of LS Pro and XEN-LS II AUI, Keyboard and Mouse Ports

This IPB should be combined with IPB 4101 which details keyboard and mouse fusing.

The AUI port, in addition to the keyboard & mouse ports, is fused in accordance with current safety approval requirements.

As a result of hot-plugging devices (connecting keyboards or transceivers while the system is running) or connecting devices which have an excessive current drain, these fuses may rupture. Apricot have applied to the necessary approval organisations to have the fuse rating increased but until this has been agreed, customers should avoid hot-plugging peripheral equipment.

In normal circumstances, the fuses should continue to function without problem. In the event of failure, it should be noted that the fuses are surface mount and therefore require specialist equipment and procedures in order to replace without damaging either the motherboard substrata or adjacent components.

Boards failing within the warranty period should be returned to Network Si Group.

Fuse Locations are:

LS Pro: FS1 (1.0A), FS2 (0.5A)
XEN-LS II: FS1 (250mA), FS2 (1.0A), FS3 (0.5A)



Computing for a Connected World