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Hardware I.P.B. 4203 16th May 1997 (RSW)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory

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Installation of Maxtor 4GB Drives in Trent Based Machines

The current Maxtor 'Chrystal Max' 4GB drive (84320A8) can be installed on Trent based machines with the lastest version of 'Max*Blast' - version 9.00M. Max*Blast is an IDE hard drive installation and upgrade utility and version 9.00M is currently available on the Maxtor BBS 'Maxblast.exe' (396K).

A further change to the BIOS settings must be made in order for this drive to operate as a 4GB upgrade. The Extended CHS option (IDE Drive Setup in Devices and I/O Ports) must be switched to 'Standard CHS'. Without this change the drive will only appear as 2GB.



Computing for a Connected World