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Hardware I.P.B. 4204 2nd June 1997 (JU)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory

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233Mhz Pentium Processors

Since the release of the 233Mhz Pentium, this has led to a number of support calls regarding upgrading existing Apricot PC’s.

This processor is only supplied by MEPCD (at time of writing), in the MS660 Mini-tower chassis. This is currently the only chassis that we will supply or support the 233Mhz Pentium in, because of issues with cooling which arise when used in the MS540 Desktop chassis.

The 233Mhz Pentium also has MMX capability, which means that it cannot be installed into Diamond motherboard based machines as the core voltages are different to that of the standard Pentium processor.



Computing for a Connected World