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Hardware I.P.B. 4205 5th June 1997 (MSC)
Department Category Implementation
SSG Hardware Advisory

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Intel Pentium Pro Stepping Revisions and Upgrading to Dual or Quad Processors

Models affected FT2200 and FT4200

Intel has changed the Stepping of the Pentium Pro processor. The original processor was an A1 step, Intel have now introduced the B1 step. Whilst this causes no problems with single processor systems (FT1200) it will cause problems when Upgrading an FT2200 to dual or FT4200 to dual/quad operation.

The consequence of installing mixed steppings of processors will be either to hang the machine on boot or to cause unreliable operation.

It is recommended that only processors of the same stepping be installed in multiprocessor systems. Identification of the stepping is by removing the heatsink on an installed processor and examining the top line of text on the chip

The Step Code allows the processor to be identified as follows;

PT12394630 SY032 200MHz 256K Cache A1 Step
PT12439130 SL22T 200MHz 256K Cache B1 Step
PT12439130 SL22V 200MHz 256K Cache B1 Step
PT12385130 SY048 200MHz 512K Cache A1 Step
PT12439230 SL22Y 200MHz 512K Cache B1 Step
PT12439230 SL22Z 200MHz 512K Cache B1 Step

Apricot are only shipping B1 step processors, if you have a A1 processor and wish to upgrade to dual or quad processors it is recommended that the A1 step processor be replaced by a B1 step processor.



Computing for a Connected World