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Hardware I.P.B. 4206 11th June 1997 (JU)
Department Category Implementation
RSG Hardware

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Actua Soccer and ATI graphics

There have been reported instances of Actua Soccer failing to run on some Trent based MS Series machines. This has been identified as being caused by the difference in stepping process that the on-board ATI graphic controller uses.

The original release of Actua Soccer, (part no. 15872031, CD 180-G3D008-00), works with the ATI Rage II A stepping parts as fitted to the Trent Rev C motherboards in MS540, however, will not work on a Rage II B stepping part as fitted to Trent rev D motherboards in MS540 and MS660.

The second version of Actua Soccer (part no. 15936731, CD 185-G3D003-100 or 180-G3D008-10) works with the ATI Rage II B stepping part as fitted to Trent Rev D motherboards in MS540 and MS660. This version of the game will also work with a Trent Rev C motherboard MS540, providing that there is more than 16Mb of ram installed on the system.

The third and, at time of writing, current release of Actua Soccer (part no. 15976931, CD 180-G3D013-110 or 180-G3D013-150), works with both Rage II A and B steppings, and therefore can be used with all Trent based MS products shipped, upto and including MMX based machines.

To summarise, if your copy of Actua Soccer is installed, but fails to run, it needs replacing with the latest version (part no. 15976931).




Computing for a Connected World