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Hardware I.P.B. 4207 12th June 1997 (POB)
Department Category Implementation
RSG Software, Hardware Advisory

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Corruptions when creating Windows 95 Setup Disks.

It has been determined that the installation, within the Create System Disk option, for creating Windows 95 Setup Disks causes a failure when making Disk 3 or 4. This only affects machines supplied with Windows 95 version 4.000.950b. The solution is to contact GTSD at Mitsubishi Electric PC Division who will supply an update CD.

The procedure to update is as follows:-

  • Start Windows 95 and place CD into drive. The CD is runs in Autoplay and will load onto a frontend menu.
  • Select the "Create System Disks" update option and follow the prompts.
  • The update runs from a DOS window and when the update has finished, the machine must be restarted for the changes to take effect.



Computing for a Connected World