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Hardware I.P.B. 4208 16th June 1997 (AL)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Software Advisory

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Screen Savers on OSR 2.1 machines

All current MS products that are shipped with OSR 2.1, come with some extra 3D screen savers and ScreenScan in the Display Properties.

It has been noticed that when ScreenScan is enabled, it accesses the floppy drive when a screen saver is activated. This causes the new 3D screen savers to deactivate straight away. However, if left, the screen saver will activate after approximately 5 attempts.

The only solutions are to either disable ScreenScan or to select a non-3D screen saver.

Below is the list of pre-installed screen savers and whether they are affected.

Screen Saver

3D Flowers - fails to activate straight away
3D Flying Objects - fails to activate straight away
3D Maze - fails to activate straight away
3D Pipes - fails to activate straight away
3D Text - fails to activate straight away
Blank Screen - Works OK
Curves & Colours - Works OK
Flying Through Space - Works OK
Flying Windows - Works OK
Mystify Your Mind - Works OK
Scrolling Marquee - Works OK



Computing for a Connected World