Trent & 15" Trinitron monitor
(XJ59296) fails to DDC
The new 15" Trinitron monitor (XJ59296) fails to DDC (Plug &
Play for Monitors) correctly on TRENT based motherboards when using the on-board ATI video
This is due to the ATI BIOS not correctly detecting the monitor type
when it first integrates the monitor. The outcome in this is that the screen refresh rates
are not set correctly.
To overcome this problem in the short term an INF file is used to set-up
the monitor correctly. The INF file is shipped with all new products or failing this use
the MONITOR.INF file located on the Insight On-Line Bulletin Board MONITOR.EXE Area 41.
- Copy MONITOR.INF into the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
- Restart Windows
- Select the correct monitor from the monitor properties dialogue box
This problem will be fixed in a later BIOS release that will enable the
TRENT motherboard and monitor to DDC correctly.
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