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Hardware I.P.B. 4233 19th January 1998 (AL)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory

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MS600 problems accessing Modem and Remote Control

A problem has been found on a small number of MS600 Pentium 2 300mhz machines, where the remote control does not work, and the Modem either does not work or only works erratically.

The problem is caused by a BIOS setting being incorrect when the PC is switched on for the first time. To check the BIOS press F2 after switching on the computer, to enter the BIOS setup utility. Then select Advanced, then Peripheral Configuration. If the machine is affected, then the Serial Port B Mode will be set to IR-DA.

This setting causes the modem not to configure correctly when the computer is switched on for the first time, when Windows 95 has to install and configure any devices present. The modem will be detected correctly, but it will reside on COM 2 rather than COM 3, therefore causing it to conflict with the remote control hardware which also resides on COM 2.

To fix the problem, you need to enter the BIOS setup utility (as described above), select Advanced, then Peripheral Configuration, then change the setting for the Serial Port B Mode from IR-DA to ASK-IR. Once changed, press F10 to save the settings and exit the setup utility. To complete the fix you will need to run the Emergency Recovery Kit, which will restore the pre-installed software back to how it was when the computer left the factory. This will allow the Modem and the Remote Control to correctly configure when Windows 95 starts for the first time.

Running the Emergency Recovery Kit will remove any data that has been created on the computer. Before running the Recovery Kit, make sure that any important data has been backed up beforehand.




Computing for a Connected World