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Hardware I.P.B. 4238 13th March 1998 (AL)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Software Advisory

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Installing Crystal Audio drivers into Spitfire based systems running Windows 3.1x

Models affected
LS Series computers with model prefix LG or LH

The procedure for installing the Crystal Audio Drivers onto a Spitfire based system running Windows 3.1x is as follows.

  1. After installing DOS & Windows 3.1x, make sure that in the BIOS, the following settings are made.
    Plug and Play OS = NO
    Serial Port A = Enabled
    Serial Port B = Enabled
    Parallel Port = Enabled
  2. Start Windows by typing WIN at the DOS prompt.
  3. When Windows is running, insert disk 1 of the drivers disks and click on FILE, then click on RUN, then type A:\SETUP and then click on OK.
  4. When prompted click on YES to continue the installation, then click on NEXT to accept "C:\CRYSTAL" as the installation directory.
  5. At the prompt Configuration un-check the box MPU-401 (enabled at Port 330 Interupt 9) and then click OK.
  6. When prompted, remove the disk and click on YES to restart the computer.
  7. When the computer has restarted, start Windows by typing WIN at the DOS prompt.
  8. Double-click on the Crystal Group Icon, then double-click on Audio Mixer.
  9. Un-tick the box Mono Output Mute then click on Save to save the settings.
  10. The sound should now be working OK.




Computing for a Connected World