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Hardware I.P.B. 4240 29th April 1998 (JW)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory

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FT2400 Pentium II (UH Product Code Prefix)

It has been found that there is a potential for failure of the on board Voltage Regulation Module (VRM) power transistors on the FT2400 (UH) product. The failure of the power transistors will also cause damage to the primary CPU.

This potential failure will occur only when all the following conditions are met.

  • Systems shipped between 23.01.98 and 28.02.98
  • The motherboard is revision PBA 405, 406 or 407
  • The system is a dual CPU system
  • The system has 266 or 300MHz Pentium II CPU’s
  • The System has an AMI RAID card fitted to the secondary PCI bus
  • And when the AMI configuration utility software is running after CTRL M is pressed during a system boot

This failure will not occur under normal running conditions.

The failure is not seen on motherboards of revisions 407A, 408 and above.

To eliminate the rare possibility of this failure, Mitsubishi Electric’s PC Division recommends installing the AMI RAID card in one of the primary PCI bus slots, and suggests this be checked during a system down maintenance visit.

ipb4240.gif (10666 bytes)

The revision level is identified on a label just below the I/O ports on the motherboard.

The motherboard has 7 PCI slots the four next to the ISA slots are attached of the secondary PCI bus and the remaining three are attached to the primary PCI slot. These are clearly etched into the motherboard (marked as P0, P1, P2 or J202, J203, J204).



Computing for a Connected World