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Networking I.P.B. 2058 4th March 1991 (RTP)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software Advisory
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Adaptec SCSI Card in a DOS Based Machine

There is a limitation with MS-DOS and the Adaptec SCSI driver, which does not allow two Adaptec SCSI cards to function simultaneously within an MS-DOS based computer.

The problem is that only the primary controller is "seen" by the system, even though the reference disk acknowledges both cards and allows their settings to be altered to avoid any clash.

This limitation extends to stand-alone PCs and VX-NET servers, but NOT to Novell or LAN Manager.

The most major issue here, is that disk duplexing (2 SCSI cards, 2 Hard disks) under VX- NET SFT is not possible, though disk mirroring (1 SCSI card, 2 Hard disks) is.

This is a limitation of the MCA Adaptec SCSI BIOS and MS-DOS, NOT Apricot Hardware.



Computing for a Connected World