FT4200, DPT RAID, Windows NT 3.51 and Service
Pack 5 issues
Problems have been found on the FT4200 server running Windows NT 3.51 if
configured with a DPT controller card after installing NT 3.51 service pack 5.
By default, an FT4200 with DPT Raid will be configured with the DPT card
controlling the hard disk drives, the on-board Adaptec 7850 will control the CD-ROM and
Tape devices and the on-board Adaptec 7880 will have no devices attached.
If the on-board Adaptec 7880 Bios is disabled, to speed up the boot
process, this will cause problems if the Windows NT service pack 5 is applied. Windows NT
will fail to boot and display the following error message:-
STOP: 0x0000000A
IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL - ntoskrnl.exe
The problem is caused by the AIC78XX.SYS driver failing to load
To overcome the problem the on-board Adaptec 7880 controller bios must
be enabled. This can be configured via the Flash disk and ECU Utility.
All recommended configuration settings can be found in the FT4200 Facts,
Tips and Tricks document in file area 44 of the Insight BBS, file name 4200FTT.ZIP.
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