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Networking I.P.B. 2284 20th August 1997 (JK)
Department Category Implementation
Network Software Advisory
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NetWare 4.11 and Adaptec AHA1510 Driver

Mitsubishi Electric have identified a problem when loading the AHA1510 driver under NetWare 4.11 whereby the driver fails to recognise the adapter when loading, and as a result, NetWare is unable to see any devices connected to the adapter.

This problem has been seen on a number of different hardware platforms, including FT1200, and Trent, Diamond and Jade based desktops.

The solution to this problem is to install NetWare 4.11 Support Pack 3 (or later), and then to ensure that the AHA1510 driver is loaded as the very first line in STARTUP.NCF.

The NetWare 4.11 Support Pack 3 can be downloaded from Novell’s web site, or from file area 37 of the Insight BBS/Web site as IWSP3A.EXE.



Computing for a Connected World