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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3040 26th September 1989 (RM)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Hardware Advisory
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The Excelan Ethernet Card for Apricot MCA Systems

The EXOS 215T Intelligent Ethernet Controller does not currently function on the VX FT, VX1000M, Qi 660 or Qi PCi. The product does perform correctly on the Qi PC, Qi 350 and Qi 650 products.

The problem is under investigation, and you will be bulletined as soon as a fix is available.

N.B. The on-board Ethernet capability, supplied with the Qi 300, Qi 600 and VX FT products is not supported by SCO Xenix. SCO Unix will provide support for on-board Ethernet by Q2 1990. You will be bulletined once this support is available.



Computing for a Connected World