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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3095 22nd March 1991 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Software Advisory
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SCO Unix V/386 3.2 Version 2

This product is now available in tape form for both AT and MCA buses, the tapes are QIC-24 format and can be used on Wangtek external TS150/5 drives and Archive internal 150 MB and 525MB tape units. Please ensure that the internal SCSI tape units are set to SCSI ID 2 and the TS150/5 to interrupt 5, base address 0338H.

Previous documentation has already indicated that SCO Unix will never be available in tape form for Irwin 40/80/120MB drives. No plans exist at this moment to supply SCO Unix on DDS (DAT) tapes although this product may be considered in the future. Where present the internal 125MB SCSI tape supplied in Tower and VX 1000 systems will also not support SCO Unix V/386 3.2.

The two product codes for the new tape products are:

SCO Unix V/386 3.2 V2 (MCA) SS 46956
SCO Unix V/386 3.2 V2 (AT) SS 46957

Three additional product codes are also now available which should be noted:

SCO Unix V/386 3.2 V2 upgrade (MCA) SS 46860
SCO Unix V/386 3.2 V2 upgrade (AT) SS 46928
SCO Unix V/386 3.2 V2 development upgrade SS 46861



Computing for a Connected World