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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3126 14th May 1992 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Xenix Software Advisory
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SCO Xenix Supplements

The following table details the SCO Supplements available from Apricot's UNIX server and the MS-DOS Bulletin board in file area 39.

SLS Supplement Details Suitable for use on
XNX105 CTS/RTS handshaking 2.3.0, 2.3.1
XNX115 Slow parallel printing 2.3.0, 2.3.1
XNX120 Corrects 'ps: seek error' 2.3.0, 2.3.1
XNX124 New fsck which does not exit quit silently 2.3.[013]
XNX126 New /boot for large kernels 2.3.1
XNX128 Corrects 'Garbage or loose cable' on modem 2.2.3-2.3.1
XNX146 Irwin driver for 40MB and 120MB units 2.2.3-2.3.2
XNX149 New driver for Single chip Tecmar/Wangtek 2.2.3-2.3.2 (AT)
XNX166 New driver for Single chip Tecmar/Wangtek 2.3.2 (MCA)
XNX170 2 Adaptecs on MCA machines 2.3.2 (MCA)
XNX292 Parallel printer switch off causing panic 2.3.2, 2.3.4 (GT)
XNX296 Maintenance supplement 2.3.[012] to 2.3.3 2.3.[012]
XNX316 Archive 525MB SCSI unit, see IPB 3119 2.3.4
XNX330 Multiple user logins 2.3.4 (MCA)
XNX339 System services, see IPB 3116 2.3.2, 2.3.4

Further investigation of problems related to 16MB and Archive 525MB tape on Xenix installations reveals the following:

The 16MB patch detailed in IPB 3061 IS required for 16MB machines, the core dumping error is more difficult to create but it will still occur without the patch.

The Archive patch XNX316 (or APR316) should only be applied when the 525MB tape unit has exhibited failures or hangs. Apricot has found some earlier revision Archive units can be adversely affected by the installation of the patch. Further details will be made available as soon as they are available.



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