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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3177 2nd December 1994 (JE)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Hardware Mandatory
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IDE Hard Disc Setup for SCO Unix on XEN-PC 560 (Revenge motherboard)

See also IPB 3181, IPB 3188 and IPB 3189

Prior to installing SCO Unix onto the hard disc of Revenge motherboard (RA product code) machines the IDE Translation Mode must be correctly set to enable the drive to be recognised. If this is not done the installation will hang.

  1. Shortly after powering on press <F1> to enter the AMI BIOS setup.
  2. Select Advanced CMOS Setup.
  3. Set the IDE Translation Mode to Std CHS by using the <PgUp> & <PgDn> keys to cycle through the choices.
  4. Press <Esc> to return to the main menu.
  5. Press <F10>, or select the main menu option, followed by <Y> to save and exit.

This IPB supersedes IPB 3177 issued on 21 September. Please destroy the previous version.



Computing for a Connected World