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Hardware I.P.B. 4193 6th December 1996 (RS)
Department Category Implementation
Hardware Hardware Advisory
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Electricity At Work Regulations 1989 (S.I.635)

(Update to IPB 4086 & IPB 4115)

Please note the following diagrams should be attached to the diagrams already supplied for other Apricot products in IPB 4086 & IPB 4115:

The reason for various testing points before was that the machine inside was separated by various plastics, but now with the chassis being completely metal, only one point of test is necessary.

Due to the difficulty of attaching a clip to the underneath of the chassis, the security loop has been agreed as the best test point for the following reasons;

a, easily attached to by a crocodile clip,
b, every machine has one,
c, it is close to the power supply.

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