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Xenix - Unix I.P.B. 3114 16th December 1991 (PW)
Department Category Implementation
Unix Software Advisory
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New 1.3GB SCSI Winchester

Apricot will commence shipment of this drive on January 8th 1992, and further hardware details are available in IPB 4071 from our Hardware Support Team.

Care should be taken when quoting machines including this drive. SCO UNIX V/386 3.2 v2 only supports a maximum drive size of 1GB, this means that 300MB will be unavailable to any system built with this version of SCO UNIX. This also means that even if MS-DOS is placed in the remaining area of the disk, it will not be addressable by the UNIX system.

The new SCO UNIX version 3.2 v4 will support drives up to 2.0GB, but this may not be available until Q2 1992. Upgrade from 3.2 v2 to 3.2 v4 will be available in Q2 1992, at a cost similar to that for upgrading from 3.20 to 3.2 v2.

SCO XENIX 2.3.4 does not support drives of greater than 1GB capacity. Systems requiring greater capacity should be configured with SCO UNIX V/386 3.2 v4 once it becomes available.



Computing for a Connected World